Behind the Scenes at Life Lapse- Dragons Den, Customer Discovery & More!

Hey folks! It's been a while since my last blog post and that's because I've been working hard on some exciting things behind the scenes for Life Lapse! The past couple of months I've really been focussed on bringing the Life Lapse engagement rates up along with constantly talking to users to see what they like/dislike about the app. Talking with my users really helps shape what features get added to the app, so I can make it the best it can be.

I turned off the store so I could really observe how people are using Life Lapse without any limitations to purchase upgrades. I saw an outstanding 853% increase with users that have over 2 projects after I turned the store off. This data is super fascinating to me and will influence my business model for the app in the coming months. 

A goal I had for myself this year was to audition for Dragons’ Den. I have been trolling their website since I launched last year so I could get Life Lapse in front of the dragons! For my friends outside of Canada, Dragons’ Den is the Canadian version of Shark Tank. I practiced my pitch out loud to myself non-stop Thursday & Friday, so when it came time to pitch on Saturday, I felt pretty confident & comfortable. The 4 producers from the show were there. They were split into 2 teams of 2. Overall it went really well! I will find out in a couple of weeks if Life Lapse will make the cut. 

I have exciting new features in the works including exposure, white balance & focus lock within the camera (great for stop motion), more grid options, looping, higher resolution output for photo projects & more! There are also talks of finally starting development on Android...Yay! 


Check out this Life Lapse I made from Dragons Den audition and the video below that is from a CBC Vancouver Facebook lifestream - if you skip to 16:25, you'll see me chatting about Life Lapse. :)  


Version 0.11.0 Update: Import Photos, Tutorials, FAQ & Email


Featured in FASHION Magazine