Elf Climbing on Desk | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022

For Parents Only! Parents, are you looking for new funny Elf on the Shelf ideas for 2020? Want to see your kids jaws' drop from seeing Elf caught on camera i...

If you have little kids, you know it’s not officially Christmas until your Elf on the Shelf has made his yearly appearance! And while the Elf brings happiness and laughter with his or her naughtiness every year, this year more than ever, it’s time to step up your game and add a little life to your holiday activities.

Elf on the Shelf ideas are sparse sometimes, but there’s a new Elf tool in town. Using our app, Life Lapse, you can make animated videos of your Elf going about his or her day that are sure to delight your children and up the amount of Christmas magic! While it can be hard to think of 25 elf ideas for the month of December, we know there are a lot more options to keep your creative juices flowing with the addition of Elf on the Shelf videos.

Before we get started with our Elf on the Shelf ideas, here’s a quick brush-up on the sacred Elf on the Shelf rules:

  1. Give your Elf or Elf-ette a name. Our cheeky girl elf is named Buddy!

  2. Elf can arrive whenever you want. We usually opt for December 1st, but you can choose any day or time you would like! 25 days of elf mischief is good for us.

  3. During daylight hours, your Elf shouldn’t move! They can only move at night when the kids are sleeping! It’s a sneaky elf.

  4. The Elf watches over the kids during the daytime. It can see everything they do (or don’t do) and reports back to Santa. 🎅

  5. No one can touch the elf, or else it loses its Christmas magic.

  6. The Elf is gone after Christmas! Part of the Christmas magic is that the elusive Elf’s presence only comes once a year.

What You’ll Need:

  • An iPhone or Android with the Life Lapse App

  • An Elf on the Shelf

  • Props and Location! We had our Elf climbing on a desk

  • A tripod or DIY tripod

Step 1: Set up your Elf and lock exposure and white balance.

Step 2: For this video, we wanted to have the Elf slide across the door and slowly make its way up the desk, to the shelving. Move the Elf in small increments and take photos after every movement.

Step 3: Once the elf has reached the desk, style her to open the drawer, in small increments as always. Use the ghost feature to like up your elf in between shots in order to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Step 4: Prop the Elf on the drawer angle to show her climbing up, taking continuous shots.

Step 5: Continue until the Elf has reached your desired position. Launch the editor, and make any adjustments.

Step 6: Save and share! Tag us @lifelapse_app or using the hashtag #LifeLapse.

For more elf ideas, make sure to take a peek at our Elf on the Shelf sister website, catchelfmove.com. If you’re a little low on elf inspo, take a peek at our hashtag #elfontheshelfvideo to see some Christmas magic!

elf on the shelf ideas

Make your kids’ dreams come true


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