From Bump to Baby

It might be just us, but we have full-on baby fever! Their tiny hands, the little socks, and everything else that makes babies adorable!

Pregnancy feels both infinite and short (so we’ve heard), so what better way to be able to create a visual representation of the pregnancy process: something you can hold onto forever, that’ll remind you of these joyous days.

Did you know that our app, Life Lapse, was originally created as an app meant for pregnancy time lapses and other important moments, hence the name? The ghost feature, in particular, was meant so that you could line yourself up day by day or week by week as your pregnancy progresses!

If you’re reading this, you or someone you are close with is pregnant. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you and wish your journey to be full of joy! Creating a pregnancy time lapse is a great way to visualize this miraculous period of your life.

Continue reading to see how to use our app to create your pregnancy time lapse memory book (or video, in this case)!

What You Need:

Step 1: Take a series of photos daily or weekly in the same spot. In this video, we show you that you can import outside photos (taken on a camera or phone) and load them into the editor. If you are interested in shooting in-app, check out our other tutorial here.

Step 2: If you notice that your photos do not line up perfectly (they probably won’t!), you can set your first photo as the overlay/ghost and adjust the following photos to match! Here, we adjusted all the backgrounds to line up perfectly.

Step 3: Adjust brightness, add music, and do any other kinds of edits!

Step 4: Save and share! Tag us @lifelapse_app on Instagram or use our hashtag #LifeLapse

We’d love to hear about your experience using the Life Lapse app below! Leave us a comment or check out our Youtube channel here!

Bump to Baby

Make stop motion memories!


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