Be a Stop Motion Pro like Starbucks

Wanna be a Stop Motion Pro like Starbucks? Check out Some of their Stop Motion Videos Below!

Hey Folks, Sarah here, Founder of the best free Stop Motion App, Life Lapse! Lately I've been getting a lot of feedback that people want to create stop motion videos but often lack inspiration. As I scroll my life away on Instagram in the late hours of the evening, I'm constantly bookmarking beautifully crafted stop motion videos that I see, specifically with brands that are promoting a product. So why not compile these videos into a handy dandy blog for y'all to see to get those creative juices flowin'? 

With my background in video marketing and now the owner of a stop motion app, I'm seeing stop motion videos being used more and more particularly with product based businesses. Maybe it's with the rise of brands picking up their content game or maybe I'm just hyper aware of it now since launching a stop motion app. Either way, they're everywhere! For the brandspot light blog series, I'm going to share these stop motion videos that brands are creating in the hopes that it will inspire you. Just to be clear - I am not saying these companies use Life Lapse. They COULD be. But I actually have no way of knowing. Just know that YOU can create videos like this, with Life Lapse. Even if you want to shoot with a higher quality photos on a DSLR (like Starbucks does), you can import the photos into life Lapse and it will animate it for you, boomerang it if you wish, add music, filters & change the speed of how fast the photos play. 

The first brand spotlight is on Starbucks. With over 32 MILLION #Starbucks hashtags & 16.7 MILLION followers from their main account, it's safe to say have an xtensive library of creative collateral to choose from to regram and post. They also hit $22.39 BILLION in revenue in 2017. What I'm trying to say here is that a company with so much money & klout, they're obviously continuing to use stop motion videos in their campaigns for a reason... Marketers, take note! In fact, to prove the effectiveness of stop motion videos from the stats available on their Instagram page, I went through the past 100 posts and shared my findings with you.

Starbucks Stop Motion Statistics from their Past 100 Posts

  1. 62 were photo posts & 38 were video posts

  2. Of the 38 videos, 74% were stop motion videos

  3. Average like per photo: 215,208

  4. Average video view on a regular video non-stop motion video was 404,845 while the average video view for one of their stop motion videos was 469,970, resulting in 16% more views on the stop motion videos.

  5. Out of the 62 photos that were posted, 53% were regrams (user generated content).

  6. Only 7% of stop-motion videos (only 2 videos were regrammed & they were from another Starbucks Instagram account and the Teavana account).

I think it's safe to say that stop motion videos are great for capturing your audiences attention and spreading brand awareness, as proven by the coffee giants themselves. You cannot rely on your audience to generate these videos for you though, so start creating your own stop motion videos from my easy to use & free best stop motion app out there!