What to Post on Instagram This Fall 2020

The ultimate list of fall social media content ideas for small business owners, influencers and creators

Agree or disagree: fall is the most Instagrammable season. Pumpkin spice lattes, fall fashion, changing leaves, Halloween… the list goes on. But, how do you make your #pumpkinspicelatte Instagram photo stand out from 608,000 others (yes, that’s how many people have used the hashtag)?

Stop motion! We’ve pulled together a list of fall social media content ideas for small business owners, influencers and creators in a variety of categories from fashion, lifestyle to food. As a small team ourselves, we were able to create enough content to last us all autumn long within four hours, and all with our phone and our stop motion app, Life Lapse. If you don’t have Life Lapse, you can download it for Android or iOS here.

Below is the list of ideas and inspiration but follow along on our blog, Instagram or YouTube to get the step-by-step tutorial on each of these stop motion videos all month long. If you try these fall video ideas, be sure to tag us on Instagram or use hashtag #lifelapse - we’d love to see and share! 

Fall Fashion

Our favorite fall fashion trends for 2020 are (faux) leather everything, cropped blazers and combat boots! Getting creative when it comes to fall fashion on stop motion could be as simple as making your clothes move a little bit to create an animation. 

  • Fall fashion and outfit ideas in a flat lay and making the clothing items move

  • Tell the story of choosing an outfit by making a tapping motion for the clothing to appear

  • Animating the elements within a clothing item like the laces doing up on your boots or a zipper being zipped

Food and Halloween-themed

There are so many fun props you can use to create fall and Halloween-themed content for food and to add colour to your shot plus the props could be the animation which gives you even more options when it comes to creating fall stop motion videos.

  • Different colored leaves to add interest to your video either as a still prop or animate them

  • The filling up of a container is super easy for food - from candies to coffee!

  • Spiders are not our favorite but look how spooky it is to see the spiders run across the image

  • Playing with the colors of your objects. Tip: this only works best when the object comes in different colors and are the same size to create the most seamless effect of the colors changing

We hope these ideas help spark some fun content into your social media calendar! 🎃 Remember to follow along on our blog, Instagram or YouTube this month to get the tutorials on each of these ideas.

15 fall and halloween content ideas

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Stop Motion Editing 101