Life Lapser Feature: An Interview with Hiba Aydeed

Here at Life Lapse, we’re all for small brands and digital creators. The type of support and love that is found in these communities is so sweet to watch. We love seeing new brands, new artists, and digital creators use our stop motion app, Life Lapse, to grow their following and to expand their artistic skillset.

Amongst the ones we love to see, we caught up with digital creator and stop motion artist, Hiba Aydeed (@hibssterr). She uses our app to explore her creativity. Keep reading below to learn about all her favorite stop motion tricks and uses!

Hey! Who are you? 😍

My name’s Hiba Aydeed. I am based in Kuwait, and currently, I am pursuing my Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering.

How did you get into stop motion?

During the initial days of the pandemic, I was looking out for creative outlets that I could explore and invest my time in. While I didn’t have the resources required for most art projects, a good friend of mine introduced me to the art of stop-motion, where all I needed was a phone with Life Lapse, and good ideas! Since then, I’ve been hooked.

stop motion artist

Tell us about your YouTube journey!

While most creatives narrow down their expertise to a particular niche, I have always enjoyed using different mediums to express myself. As much as I enjoy storytelling through stop-motion videos, I recently discovered true joy in being the face of my story and sharing behind-the-scenes, tutorials, and other experiments in my creative journey.

What is your favorite type of content to create?

As much as I love writing and drawing digital art in my free time, I find myself inclined more towards visuals. From stop motion to Instagram Reels to my YouTube videos, creating video content is definitely in 1st place.

What is your favorite platform to be on, and why?

 Whether I’m trying to get in touch with a friend, support local businesses, or expand my network, the ‘gram has never disappointed! My other favorite would be Pinterest because of the DIY projects and inspirations that keep me motivated to learn more and do even more.

What is your best stop motion tip?

My best tip is to start and end a stop motion video on the same image, leaving it on an endlessly satisfying loop.

stop motion artist

Why did you download Life Lapse?

Life Lapse works as a perfect all-in-one tool for any stop motion artist. I enjoy the tips & tutorials as well as the engaging community I found through their Instagram page is what made me want to use the app even more!

Show us your favorite stop motion you’ve made

Combining the folds of Origami —a therapeutic Japanese art form— along with stop motion to wish everyone ‘Eid Mubarak’ has to be my #1!

stop motion artist

Where can people follow you?

 My Instagram and YouTube can be found here.

We hope you loved this interview with Hiba as much as we did! It’s always so fun to learn about the creative processes behind the content that digital creators and Life Lapse users produce. It’s amazing the kind of content we can make only with our phones!

Make sure to check out our blog for more interviews with stop motion artists and small brands, and make sure to download Life Lapse to take a stab at making your own stop motion content.

stop motion micro influencers

explore your creativity with life lapse


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