Movie Night Stop Motion | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022

For Parents Only! Parents, are you looking for new funny Elf on the Shelf ideas for 2020? Want to see your kids jaws' drop from seeing Elf caught on camera i...

Matching pajamas. Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Candy canes. What does that mean? IT’S ALMOST CHRISTMAS. And perhaps our favorite Christmas tradition: Elf on the Shelf! 

This year, we’re sharing with you our brightest and best Elf on the Shelf ideas. And while Elf usually stands still (touching the shelf makes him lose his magic, of course), this year we have the perfect Elf on the Shelf idea for you— using stop motion to make your Elf truly spring to life. Our app, Life Lapse, is an amazing way to mix up your holiday season.

Before we get going on this Elf on the Shelf tutorial for an Elf movie night, here’s a refresh of the Elf on the Shelf sacred rules:

  • Give your Elf or Elf-ette a name. Our cheeky little girl elf is named Buddy!

  • Elf can arrive whenever you want. We usually opt for December 1st, but you can choose any day or time you would like! 25 days of elf mischief is personally good for us.

  • During daylight hours, your Elf shouldn’t move! They can only move at night when the kids are sleeping.

  • The Elf watches over the kids during the daytime. It can see everything they do (or don’t do) and reports it back to Santa. 🎅

  • No one can touch the elf, or else it loses its Christmas magic. That’s why stop motion is the perfect vessel to tell 

  • The Elf is gone after Christmas! Part of the Christmas magic is that the elusive Elf’s presence only comes once a year.

Keep reading to see exactly how we got this sneaky video of our Elf taking a movie break!

What you’ll need:

  • iPhone or Android with the Life Lapse App

  • Tripod or DIY tripod

  • Your Elf on the Shelf

  • Props and locations (we have popcorns, a blanket, and a remote)

Step 1: Set up your elf and lock in your white balance and exposure. This is key for a good stop motion! If you’re a little unfamiliar with stop motion basics, we recommend taking a look here to get a quick stop motion crash course.

Step 2: Slowly have the elf and the popcorn move. We wanted to have the remote move, and for our Elf to eat a piece of popcorn. Take a photo between each frame, making sure to use the ghost feature and minimal movements to make a smooth transition.

Step 3: Continue moving the Elf and the props, and taking a photo, until you have completed the scene!

Step 4: Edit your video! Adjust speed, brightness, and add a filter or a song if you would like.

Step 5: Save and share! We would love to see your Christmas creation. Tag us @Lifelapse_app or with the hashtag #lifelapse. For our elf-themed content, make sure to check out our tag @elfontheshelfvideo

For even more ideas (and believe us, we have lots) check out our other blog posts and our YouTube channel for endless Elf on the Shelf content. Happy creating! (1).gif

Bring some movie magic to your holidays


How to Create an Instagram Guide


Self Care Day | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022