The Best Royalty-Free Background Music Resources

When it comes to music for your social media posts, there’s really only one route to go: royalty-free background music. Now that sponsorships and partnerships are an essential part of social media influencers’ roles, the world of copyright has become so much more complex. Gone are the days of putting top-forties songs in the background of your YouTube tutorials: it’s become apparent that royalty-free music is the direction we need to go. Royalty-free background music means that there will be no copyright claims or issues with the audio used in your piece: whether it is for personal or commercial work.

Did you know? Life Lapse has extensive royalty-free background music and sound effect library, available to all pro users. This in-app feature allows you to add a soundtrack to your stop motions created with Life Lapse, making it great for sharing on various platforms! Interested in accessing even more royalty-free background music libraries for a range of content types? Keep reading below to see our favorites.

While there are hundreds of thousands of royalty-free background music resources out there, it’s hard to figure out which ones are the best. So, here are our top picks for royalty-free background music libraries: both premium and free!



Founded by three professional musicians, SoundStripe values quality over quantity. With Grammy-award winning sound engineers, you can be sure that every audio piece featured on the website is amazing. SoundStripe is a paid service (as expected, due to the exceptional quality of content), but membership covers the cost for every song license: and as part of download, you can get a custom license: meaning no reoccurring or upkeep fees.

Pricing: subscription-based service, with pricing ranging from $12-$30 monthly, depending on the number of users in your team and special effects access.



Bensound offers both free and premium audio tracks, making it perfect for those on a tighter budget, or those who are just starting out. While Bensound’s collection is a little smaller than other royalty-free background music libraries, the amount of free content more than makes up for it!

Pricing: Bensound offers both free and premium paid tracks, alongside a subscription service: whatever works best for you.

Youtube Audio Library

youtube music library

We love built-in resource libraries, which is why we are fully on board for Youtube’s audio library! Their collection is extensive, with longer tracks available —perfect for those that are creating longer-form content that not all audio tracks are long enough for. All tracks are available for free (though some with attribution) and can be filtered by category or genre.

Pricing: Free, although some tracks require attribution in the video description, so make sure to check the licensing rights before use.

Music Vine

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Music Vine represents countless independent artists and musicians, making royalty-free music that is of the highest quality. What sets Music Vine apart is the human driven-philosophy of the tracks they select: these feel like whole. thought out songs, rather than default and generic tracks. Their tracks are great for film, youtube, and any content that is more emotional and thus requires emotion in the background music.

Pricing: Music Vine is subscription based, with monthly costs ranging from $20 to $35.99.

Those are all our absolute faves when it comes to royalty-free background music, these websites and apps rank at our absolute top. Creating content that engages and inspires your followers is more than just the aesthetics (although, trust us, we love the aesthetics so very much), and so you have to make sure your audio choices reflect the work put in! Royalty-free background music can really elevate your content to the next level, and resonate with your audience far better than a silent piece or image.

Do you have any royalty-free background music resources you would like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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