Should I Switch to an Instagram Business Account?

If you currently run a business, whether it be a local shop, a content creation channel, or providing services, then you’ve definitely tried to figure out whether it’s a good idea to switch over to an Instagram Business profile.

Launched in 2016, Instagram Business profiles unlock dozens of new features, insights, and allow you to track your metrics and engagement more concretely. But, this comes at a cost, as most things do! In this post, we’re going to run through the pros and cons of switching over to an Instagram Business account, plus why (and how) you should do it!


  • Once you have 10,000 or more followers, you can add the ‘swipe up’ feature— this is great for linking blog posts, purchases, websites, and so forth. The swipe up feature allows you to connect your audience to your other social media channels easily.

instagram business profile swipe up
  • Instagram insights: you will finally have access to (almost) all your data! This is crucial if you are a brand or influencer pitching your social media presence to potential sponsors and collaborators. You can see concrete data about your audience behaviour.

  • Instagram shopping: if you’re a product-heavy influencer or brand, the ability to tag specific, purchasable items in your posts is a must-have. If you are a brand that sells products, it’s even more valuable, as your audience will be able to access your listings easily and natively to the app.

  • Post more company info: such as a ‘contact us’ page, and a direct link to a website on your Instagram bio! For influencers and content creators, this ‘contact us’ feature will benefit you in terms of being contacted by potential collaborators.

  • More advertising features

instagram business insights and boosting


There’s really only one big con to switching over: Instagram algorithmically limits the number of business accounts that users can see on their feed per day.  This means that while you’re increasing your reach to Instagram users that are not following you, you’re reducing the reach to accounts that currently follow you— at least, for now, as we know that Instagram is constantly changing and adjusting their algorithm.

A minor negative is that it can sometimes feel as if you are losing the personal touch to your Instagram page if you switch over to an Instagram Business or Instagram Creator account. While there’s ways to hide that you have a Business profile (such as removing your subtitle/page category), it all comes down to personal preference.

Should I switch over?

While the Instagram Business account route is not perfect, we definitely think the positives outweigh the negatives. By switching over to an Instagram Business account, you are regaining some power back into your brand, as you are able to actually gain insight into what is working and what is not. Instagram’s algorithm works in mysterious ways, but switching over to an Instagram Business account allows you a little more understanding of this all-encompassing social media platform. Now that Instagram has launched Reels, Guides, and Shopping, it’s so valuable to understand exactly what kind of content is resonating with your audience!

While success isn’t everything (social media should be fun, after all), Instagram Business is set up to allow you to measure your success. By tracking your audience and testing different engagement methods, you’ll be able to figure out what works and what doesn’t: and what makes your brand, your brand.

How do I switch over?

  1. Go to your profile page

  2. tap the 3 horizontal line icon (on the top right, next to the + symbol)

  3. Click on settings

  4. Tap “Switch to Business profile” and “Continue”

There you have it! Why and how to switch over to an Instagram Business profile! If you are interested in more social media marketing tips, make sure to check out our blog: we have so much amazing content that is sure to help you boost your social media presence and bring your brand to life.

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