Content Creation Trends for 2021


In a year as unpredictable as 2020, it might be strange to consider predictions for 2021. Despite this, our experience working closely with content creators, have seen a number of our previous predictions come true. In essence, 2020 has laid the new foundations to which content creation, going forward, will be built upon. With this, here are our content creation trends for 2021. 

At chloédigital we work with leading bloggers, supporting them in both tech and strategy. Content is at the heart of what we do. From...What Content to create? How do I present my content? What works? What doesn’t?... These are just some of the many questions our strategy team receives on the daily.

If it’s one thing we know after this year is that the best in class ideals of content production will continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Your agility and steadfastness will be crucial to stand out from the crowd. If you don’t want to be left behind, we have 12 content creation trends for 2021 to help you direct your content efforts in the upcoming year. 

Content Format

  1. We will see more content creators mimicking e-commerce platforms in the way they present recommended products.

  2. More and more, brand collabs will look like commercial tv & print ads.

  3. The influencer will become the visual merchandiser extension
 for brands to reach a wider and online savvy audience. 

  4. We will not only see more series but also more multimedia cross-channel content to increase the engagement with multiple audiences (reader, follower & subscriber).

  5. Video content will have a highlighted place everywhere: on Instagram, Pinterest, Google results, on your blog and newsletter. Apps like Life Lapse will help to keep adding freshness to video content production.

  6. We will learn along the way: educational content will be fundamental. Watch out as we will see more social and digital disruption to enhance the overall collective learning experience. Learning just became fun!

Emotional Content 

  1. 2020 showed us that the emotional context is key to connect with an audience. A good content creator will reveal their feelings but also adopt social listening to better contextualise promotional content to their audience’s perspective. 

  2. User-Generated Content (UGC) is still massively undervalued
 and we are expecting to see a spotlight on UGC practices in 2021.

  3. Overall, content creators will continue to push for better representation. Inclusivity will be key to win the heart of an activist audience. 

Targeted Content

  1. Audience segmentation is going to be even more important to create content tailored to specific personas but in a scalable way.

  2. We will see more quizzes, bots and artificial intelligence tools to help create personalised content. 

  3. Based on the two points above, we can expect more exclusive content to nurture target groups. 

Written those down? Great! Now plan for content world domination in 2021.

If you are looking for more 2021 trends behind the content, check our Influencer Industry Predictions for 2021 talk where we share even more on how the pandemic has shifted digital behaviour impacting content creators, brands and digital businesses too!

video content creation app

Create your own video content using your phone with Life Lapse


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