Elf Makes a Snow Angel | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022

We know it’s only November, but we’re already itching for the snowy season. ❄️ Especially since the pandemic has made it socially acceptable to stay curled up inside with a hot chocolate! Plus, now we have an excuse to avoid work and frolic in the snow all day. After all, we all need a little winter magic to keep us going.

If you’re working on your Elf on the Shelf ideas this year, why not bring it up a notch? Using our stop motion app, Life Lapse, you can create the illusion of Elf moving, which will be sure to convert even the most skeptical of Elf believers!

What you’ll need:

  • iPhone or Android with the Life Lapse app

  • Tripod or DIY tripod

  • Your Elf on the Shelf (we have a girl Elf!)

  • Props: we used flour, construction paper, and pinecones

Step 1: Set up your elf, snow, and overhead tripod (DIY or otherwise). Lock the white balance and exposure to make your video as smooth as possible! We placed a piece of construction paper under the ‘snow’, so that when Elf moves, there is a contrast.

Step 2: This stop motion uses only 4 images, which are then boomeranged to create the effect of reverse. 

Step 3: Make the elf create a snow angel in the flour. Move its legs and arms to make that imprint, Take a photo.

Step 4: Move Elf’s arms, and take another photo. Repeat this step until the arms have completed their full range of motion in one direction.

Step 5: Launch the editor, and begin editing! Loop the video in boomerang mode to make it look like Elf is making a snow angel. If you made a DIY tripod with a chair or table, make sure to crop the video so that the legs of the chair/table are not seen.

Step 6: Save and share! Make sure to tag us on Instagram @lifelapse_app or #lifelapse, and check out #elfontheshelfvideo for more stop motion Elf ideas!

We hope you enjoyed this sweet snow angel elf tutorial, and that it got your creative juices flowing. If you have any other Elf on the Shelf video suggestions, let us know in the comments below!

elf snow angel

CATCH all of our best elf antics


Elf Zip-lines Into Christmas | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022


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