Naughty Elf plays with Toilet Paper | Elf on the Shelf Ideas 2022

Who’s that creeping around every corner? It’s Elf, of course. With December coming up so quickly and the Christmas season being in arm’s reach, it’s time to pull out your sparkliest, wildest, most mischievous Elf ideas and put them to good use!

This year, we’re completely dedicated to helping you find the cheekiest, funniest, most creative Elf on the Shelf ideas. And what better way to make Elf’s antics feel even more real than with video? Since you can’t touch Elf (or else he will lose his magic), stop motion is a perfect vessel for bringing Elf to life!

What you’ll need:

  • iPhone or Android with our app, Life Lapse

  • Tripod or DIY tripod

  • Elf on the Shelf, of course

  • Props: in this case, a roll of toilet paper!

Step 1: Place Elf on top of the toilet paper, making sure sure the toilet paper is rolled up, to give the illusion of Elf kicking it later on. Adjust tripod setup and lock the exposure and white balance.

Step 2: Begin with Elf’s legs both pointing down. Slowly make one leg go up, taking photos as you go.

Step 3: Make the leg go back down, taking photos. As you do this, begin to slowly unravel the toilet paper. Take photos until your sequence is complete.

Step 4: Launch the editor. Adjust brightness, crop, and make any other changes you deem necessary! Get create with it.

Step 5: Save and share! Tag us @lifelapse_app or using our hashtag, #lifelapse. For Elf on the Shelf content only, take a look at our hashtag #elfontheshelfvideo

Make sure to check out the rest of our elf-themed stop motion tutorials at! You can also take a look at our blog to see written versions of all our tutorials!

naughty elf on the shelf

keep track of what elf is up to


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